Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Replacing Hardwick on Hardline

With Radio Host, and Poli Sci prof Kevin Hardwick tossing his hat in the ring for the Erie County Legislature race, there is a job opening at WBEN. Hardwick will be challenging two term incumbent, Michelle Iannello for the 1oth District seat that represents the Tonawandas and Grand Island. True to Buffalo political form, the mudslinging began almost before Hardwick had finished his announcement. Hopefully we can have a race that focuses on issues like the Powers/Davis race or the Konst/Volker race during the last election cycle.

More importantly than who gets the Legislature seat, is who gets the radio show. Here are some potential candidates.

Maria Genero - Maria's bounced from job to job. Probably won't be long before she's looking again.

Rob Ray - Politics is rough and tumble, and so's Rayzor. Rumor has it he is looking for more than just the sideline duty, but Jeaneret and Robitaille are hanging on to the booth. If it comes to blows, hopefully they keep the sweaters on because I don't want to see what Jeaneret's got up "on the top shelf where momma keeps the cookies".

T.O. - He has the key for everything now so WBEN won't have to make a new set.

Steve Pigeon - Fair, impartial, unpartisan.......right.

Airborne Eddy - Where's he been anyway? There's nothing more "offbeat" than Buffalo Politics.

Dick Cheney - He is looking for work. He is bizarre. The show name will have to be changed to "Hardline with Hardliner".

Hopefully Hardline won't fade to black. Kevin's done a great job with it over the years and it has been a great forum for local politicians and politics. People who are really interested in the issues, instead of voting based on a 30 second political spot, could learn a thing or two on "Hardline with Kevin Hardwick".


At 1:08 PM , Anonymous Lenny H said...

Dave DiPietro is doing a show over on Weck 1230 that is similiar. It's pretty good. Thursdays 11-12

At 5:47 PM , Anonymous peterherr said...

DiPietro graduated from college with me. I like what I have heard of his show.


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