Saturday, October 03, 2009

I Believe

I’ve been a moderate most of my life, and I still consider myself to be one. In the recent months I have been called a far left liberal. My feelings aren’t hurt by that, by the way, despite its inaccuracy. The truth is, I am very happy in my own skin. I don’t believe in “tax and spend”. I think that some of the tax rates that are possible are dangerous to our long term prosperity. I believe everyone should read the book “The Fair Tax” and we should move towards that. I am not a socialist, by any means, although I have been accused of that too. I do believe that unbridled Capitalism is very dangerous too. I fear the corporate state more than I fear a government that temporarily bails out large industry that is in trouble of causing millions of workers to be unemployed. Or a government that is able to provide access to health care to all of its citizens. I think welfare should be reformed so that people who need a leg up for the short term can get that, but it must include exit strategies for people who are capable. I believe that both Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare can be solvent if there is a political will to make it work and not just to use its failings as political silver bullets to use against the other guy. I believe that both parties have great ideas to bring to the table that could solve our countries problems if they were used to create legislation that served the greater good and not just the people and special interests who funded your campaign. . I believe that everything has a price. If you want to burn coal you will get pollution. I believe that while that pollution may or may not contribute to climate change, it certainly isn’t good for our overall health and the overall health of our children and grandchildren.

I believe that government jobs were never made to be the best jobs. I believe that members of Congress are grossly over paid in salary and benefits, which causes selfish and greedy people to protect their jobs at all costs instead of doing the right thing. I believe that there was a time, in my lifetime, when our government was run based on a principal of mutual respect, so that even if you disagreed, that did not make the other side the enemy. I believe that we’ve reached as low a time as we have ever been in when it comes to mutual respect. I believe that there are still good guys out there. I believe that John McCain showed class throughout the election. When people were saying things that were dangerous to America, he called them on it. I believe that sadly, the good guys are few and far between. I believe that politics now plays to our worst fears instead of our highest hopes. I believe that being a good guy is definitely not a characteristic that is wanted in talk radio. I believe that talk radio is one of the single worst influences in our country. I believe that talk radio is the largest driving force behind the hatred and vitriol that is the underlying foundation in our country’s fabric now. I believe strongly in the First Amendment and freedom of speech, but I believe people should use that right with common sense, respect, and politeness. I believe the “United” is the most important word in the name of our country.

Part of the reason that I think I am labeled a liberal, a title I am not insulted by, is because I am passionate and vocal about my opinions. Things like health care for all, the environment, and equality for all people are important to me. When I hear people like Rush Limbaugh say, "For those of you ... who are upset that I sound gleeful, I am. I don't deny it. I'm happy. Anything that gets in the way of Barack Obama accomplishing his domestic agenda is fine with me." I feel compelled to point out what a certifiable jackass he is. That he would wish for American failures because he wants President Barack Obama to not gain one political point is as unpatriotic as anything I have ever heard. Yes, I am caught up on the Olympic thing, not because I care what city or country the Olympics are in. I will watch them enthusiastically just the same. I care because people are cheering for things that are harmful to America because they want the President to fail at all costs. The Olympics have nothing to do with health care or toxic assets or the indoctrination of our youth. They have nothing to do with climate change, the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan or the regulation of the banking industry. Having the Olympics would have been good for America, and hoping against it because of who our pitchman was isn’t good for America. It is selfish. So, if it makes me a liberal to point out how disgusting this has become, I am a liberal. I believe, by the way, had the Democrats been cheering against Bush were he to be pitching the Olympics, I would have been equally as disgusted.

I believe that “United” is the most important word in the name of our country.

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